Horoskopi Vjetor

The 2019 Horoscope by Susan Miller: Libra

11 Janar 2019

The 2019 Horoscope by Susan Miller: Libra

23 September - 22 October

The leader planet: Aphrodite

Elements: Air

With the launch of 2019, Jupiter, the planet of gifts and destiny , will help you highlight your talents and enabling you in the field of communication in all forms. Jupiter will be in the Sagittarius and will affect the home and family. Even though it looks like a busy year, you will have enough time for fun and love and at the same time you will travel for many reasons. In general, you will notice the good fortune Jupiter has reserved for you.

There will be some opportunities to go to different places and to meet new people. Choose to travel during the first 10 days of April, when the planet Mars is positioned at the Twins and your ninth journey home.

Let's talk about the career . The best time to give an interview is May 15th to July 1st when Mars is in your ninth honor house, awards and achievements. This is the first time in two years that you have the help of Mars. After that day, a solar moon of the New Moon will illuminate you. Get ready because the odds are good for you to win the dream job.

When it comes to love, you will have two special periods. If you are single, the best time to find love is in early February. February will also be a good month for those in a relationship, especially dates close to Valentine's Day.

If you are in a long lasting relationship, you can marry near Valentine. The brief will generally be a romantic month.

The other important time for love is August. No matter whether you are single or married, the universe will work perfectly for you.

We are just a little bit behind home and family , which will be a major issue for 2019. it seems you will think of the place where you live, buy or rent. You can plan to make changes, ranging from painting to different decorations.

It may be a busy time, although the plans you have for your home and family are of little importance, as you will have enough energy to handle the situation.

Your lucky day for this year is December 27th. For you, beloved Scales, happiness will be related to home and family.

This can bring fantastic holidays to all of you, especially at the end of the year, somewhere around December 27th. The time you spend together will make you understand that despite all things, the most precious things in life are free - and love triumphs over everything.

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