
What to know if you suddenly see that your hair is grizzled?

22 Gusht 2018

What to know if you suddenly see that your hair is grizzled?

Everything goes well and you are happy until one day ... Get out of the mirror and see the first hair on the hair. What just happened? Of those hairy gray hairs?

Ok, the first thing you should do is definitely calm down and then read this article to answer all the questions you have in your head.

Thinnings come out when your body stops producing the respective pigment cells, or melanin, responsible for their color. Precisely since its loss, your hair has become gray or white.

What to know if you suddenly see that your hair is grizzled?

Anyway, another essential cause for gray hair, obviously remains the genes. If any of your family members are grizzled at an early age, such a fortune may be waiting for you.

Stress is also one of the reasons that causes you to lose melanin in your hair but this becomes more apparent if you are genuinely predisposed to premature hair.

And in the end, to clarify once and for all; it is not to say that if you take vitamin B you will be saved from gray hair. If you miss this vitamin, you will simply thin it faster than normal.

Source: Cosmopolitan