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Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

29 Gusht 2018

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses belong to the Christian faith, but prefer to use their Bible translation. They distribute door-to-door literature and do not celebrate holidays or birthdays. Jehovah's Witnesses also refuse blood transfusions and do not serve in the army.

The following list lists some of the world's most important figures belonging to this religion.


Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

The prince was baptized as a Baptist when he was still a baby and grew up as such. He joined Jehovah's Witnesses in 2001, shortly after his mother was divorced from life.

Serena Williams

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

Serena Williams grew up in a Witness family and practices her religion to this day. She will not celebrate her daughter's first birthday because it is against the principles of religion.

Michael Jackson

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

Michael and all his brothers and sisters grew up in a family part of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is still unclear whether the King of Pop still practiced religion before he died, but his children are growing alike.


Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

The Latin singer, Selena, was an active Witness until she was divorced from the age of 24.

Coco Rocha

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

The Canadian model, once one of Naomi Campbell's favorites, is Jehovah's Witness.

Terrence Howard

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

Actor Terrence Howard has long expressed the desire to become a part of religion. Now, he and his wife, are raising their children according to the principles of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Valerie Campbell

Seven Famous People Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses

The mother of supermodel Naomi Campbell felt more than ever the need for religion in her life when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005.