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After 22 years together, Grida Duma is divorced by her husband!

Shkruar nga Anabel

16 Mars 2019

After 22 years together, Grida Duma is divorced by her husband!

Democratic Party chairman Grida Duma has decided to end the multi-year marriage with Ilir Shqinan, who was long a Duma lecturer and diplomat at the Albanian Embassy in Slovenia.

According to a documentation owned by "", the former DP deputy has opened divorce proceedings at the Tirana court.

After 22 years together, Grida Duma is divorced by her husband!

As you can see in the photographs, the object of this court decision is the marriage settlement.

After 22 years together, Grida Duma is divorced by her husband!

Born in 1977 in Durres, Grida Duma would marry at the age of 20 with Shqinan, a well-known name in diplomatic circles. The fruit of their love story is a boy, Darien.

After 22 years together, Grida Duma is divorced by her husband!