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Faton Shoshi belongs to the past: Ere Istrefi and former manager and others celebrate together!

Shkruar nga Anabel

24 Maj 2019

Faton Shoshi belongs to the past: Ere Istrefi and former manager and others

If until yesterday, two daughters who once had the same love, become together, leave behind, enjoy and drink for their own pleasure, you seemed an impossible scenario in real life, Era Istrefi and Gresa Hoti are living proof that YES, it happens!

Two nights ago, girls celebrated in Ibiza, Spain, where Hoti himself lives. It was the last one that posted a picture beside the Era:

Faton Shoshi belongs to the past: Ere Istrefi and former manager and others

"It was fun last night," writes Gresa, who is from Kosovo.

We remind you that after the separation from Era, Faton Shoshi publicly introduced in August of the year we left behind, the girl who had stolen his heart.

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It was Gresha, where they both appeared together, driving and loving more than ever.

Faton Shoshi belongs to the past: Ere Istrefi and former manager and others

As far as the Faton and the Wind are concerned, they are constantly rumored for a relationship beyond the professional as a singer-manager. Though they did not accept it aloud, the constant coexistence, the messages and congratulations to each other, as well as the Era statement in an interview for the French radio 'NRJ' where he stated that he was "in love", meant that he did not they were trying to deny it.

Faton Shoshi belongs to the past: Ere Istrefi and former manager and others

In November 2017, they did not renew the musical contract, which was said to have brought the end of romance in parallel.