You are very humorous to travel, so you start making plans. Jupiter, the planet of gifts and good fortune will expand even more with your enthusiasm to look at new horizons. Regardless of where you go, make sure you have the proper addresses, as an error may cause unpleasant incidents. Anyway, June is ideal for a few days off!
If you can not miss a break during the week, consider it Friday, June 7th. This does not mean that your interest to travel even later will fade. By 17th (plus / minus 5 days) you may have a surprise trip, so make sure you always have a handbag, pair of glasses and a cell phone near you.
You can probably visit a country beyond the ocean with your mother or father and when you return you will come up with new plans in your mind. You need to pay close attention to the decisions you make this month.
Have fun this month because in the other you can easily be distracted by the new news that will bring 2 eclipses that will most likely bring about changes in your home and career.
If you feel completely relaxed by the holidays of June, you will be in great shape to cope with everything that comes in July.
Your finances look very good this month. With little effort you will not have to wait too hard to see the bank account grow. The New Moon at Twin on June 3 will brighten your home income or allow you to claim a more earned job position.
Be careful to see carefully and understand every point that is set forth in the employment contracts. Jupiter is also on your side this month and you will easily see golden coins in your hands. Work to find new opportunities - they exist, you just have to find out.
If you are negotiating for a possible deal, it will close around June 17 (plus / minus 5 days). You will feel that you are in the right place at the right time.
The end of June will find you traveling. Regarding romance, the best week to find the twin soul will be from 1 to 8 June. During this week you also go shopping - you will find what you need and what makes you feel sex.
This month has reserved surprises for you. By the date 27 you can get a message or an unexpected invitation to travel. You try to plan things up to the smallest detail, so a little spontaneity will do well.