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Serious love story of Elvis and Fatma Naci

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5 Nëntor 2019

Serious love story of Elvis and Fatma Naci

Elvis and Fatma Naci serve pretty people like the ideal couple, the perfect marriage, the harmony between a man and a woman God intended for humanity embodied in two spirits. Fatma, was invited yesterday to "Invitation at Five" and showed where this admired connection originated. Keep an ear out.

"Although 17 years have passed, Elvis has been the first meeting for me, he was the first guy I met. I had endless emotions. I was accompanied by my sister. My mom had my best friend, I still have her. After I explained the situation, he gave me permission.

"When we met, Elvis asked our companions to come to a table nearby to stay a little alone. I was all the time with low eyes and he only spoke, as it is today. He used to say, 'you're Fatma,' I would say 'yes.' 'You're so old,' I said 'yes.' 'Study for that,' I said 'yes.' Then he started talking about himself. 'I'm a philanthropist, I study for that, I deal with that.' Then he started talking about a book he had read recently as if we were at a science conference. It has been very serious. After an hour, I notice that I was very embarrassed and thinks we need to get up. He says, 'If you want to move, we exchange numbers and meet again when you are calmer. If we will meet. ' I look at the clock and notice it was somewhere at one o'clock. I say, 'I got my mom's permission up to five,' ?she said.

After this Elvis monologue, the meetings followed each other. From the monologue, the conversation evolved into a science conference. Nearly half a year later, the couple married in the eyes of God and the law.

?We continued to meet. Whenever I went out to meet Elvis, always accompanied by his sister or brother with his wife, I was at a science conference. We were always talking about the books we had read, the timeliness of the times. Elvis has always been serious.

?There has not been a wedding. We are a very reserved species by nature and did not want to breed too much. We were content with a small family ceremony after we decided to formalize this connection, ?Fatma confessed.

Serious love story of Elvis and Fatma Naci

Elvis and Fatma Naci have been married for 17 years and are the parents of three children. The imam and his wife are extremely engaged in charity. Fatma even calls charity the "girlfriend" who spends most of her time and money on Elvis.