Horoskopi Mujor

Susan Miller Horoscope for January 2020: Aquarius and Pisces

Shkruar nga Anabel

3 Janar 2020

Susan Miller Horoscope for January 2020: Aquarius and Pisces

Susan Miller Horoscope for January 2020: Aquarius and Pisces

The year for you will start calm and you will be able to focus on the agenda, without being too distracted. You have a strong connection to confidential matters, so you can work on a secret project that will keep you out of the sight of others. You will be careful not to show too much data.

Your twelfth house regulates secrets, but also mental and physical health. This is the ideal time for a visit to a psychologist if you are facing a situation that worries you.

You will likely be dealing with medical issues more than usual, either for yourself or accompanying a family member for medication.

The January 10th eclipse may bring changes to the office. Changes will be unexpected. At the same time, an important project will be completed.

The new moon on January 24th will be a birthday present for the universe. This Moon will give you a strong sense of control. You will be more optimistic and more powerful.

Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, will bring some surprises that will be associated with the home and any family member. You will be ready to be in the right place at the right time.

Also during this period you may feel tired of a situation, ready to break away or rebel. If you're ready, give it a go.

Aphrodite entered the Aquarium on December 20, making you irresistible and will remain there until January 13. So the ideal time to get to know someone is now.

Good news comes from Saturn. Projects and relationships will make good progress. The working environment and not only will be pleasant.

Susan Miller Horoscope for January 2020: Aquarius and Pisces

Exciting things are happening in your life and this period is mostly about making new friends and contacts. January will be an important month to meet new people. You can find yourself in charity events, humanitarian organizations or political groups.

If you are self-employed, the Eleventh House is associated with numerous earnings and endeavors. In this area, good news is expected.

The lunar eclipse of the Full Moon of January 10 will highlight love. It may be time to decide if you want to continue your relationship with your partner. If friends are constantly telling you to break up, you may have to consider why they insist so much. On the other hand, friends can also be supportive of your union.

The full moon will focus on the pregnancy or baby you already have. You may want more kids. If you have children, you are likely to hear some important news from them.

Saturn and Pluto will oppose this full moon by suggesting that you take more time on important decisions. However, you seem ready to advance romantic relationships.

From January 3 to February 16, Mars will be circulating its 10th house of honors, awards, professional achievements and it seems like the perfect time of year to get the most out of it.

It seems like good things are knocking on your door.

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