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On Records for Rina Balaj: 'Tried to Cheat Company'

Shkruar nga Anabel

20 Janar 2020

On Records for Rina Balaj: 'Tried to Cheat Company'

In an interview for "Why Not" on RTV Time, Edona Gashi, a former On Records company manager who previously ran Kid, Mozzik, Getignon, Feron and Rina - all now dismissed - revealed some other details of the Rina conflict -On Records.

According to her, "Rina has tried to deceive the company." She recounted that Rina was lucky enough to be introduced to On Records, as there was no room for her.

"Rina didn't leave On Records, she tried to deceive the company, the company that brought her to life because when Rina came, she didn't have a place to go on On Records, but she was lucky and with the departure of another singer [Kida] she came in.

A company spokeswoman said Rina "made a pause request" but it was all a hoax.

?Everyone has welcomed him. Rina has made a request to the company, which wants to pause. It then turns out that she will be completely withdrawn from the music. She just wanted to fool the company. She said she would let go of all the music, have family problems etc. She's just planning her music career with her solo boyfriend. ?

In mid-October, Rina announced that "for personal reasons, for a certain time, she will not be active" in music. Shortly afterwards, the rapper's Instagram became inaccessible. Sources for Prive reported that the cause was disputes with the company he manages, On Records, as he could not meaningfully terminate the contract with them.