Raul Gonzalez, director of the World Health Organization's Tirana office, said fake news about coronavirus should be avoided as everyone is engaged. At a Task Force meeting with Minister of Health and Social Welfare Ogerta Manastirliu, Gonzalez said:
"What I'm asking you to do is trust the expertise of the experts as a large part of them are internationally certified. I just returned from my native Spain and I want to tell you that two weeks ago we met people with coronavirus. But why is there no case in Albania? We are still studying the situation, this is something new for us. ?
He said that in Spain, "positive people were found who had not traveled to Italy nor had contact with countries affected by the coronavirus."
"Yesterday, 6 other suspected cases were tested that proved to be negative for COVID-19. So far 42 cases have been tested in the PHI laboratory and Albania has no confirmed cases with the new coronavirus, ?said Minister Manastirliu.
Source: Ministry of Health and Independent Balkan News Agency