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Susan Miller Horoscope for April 2020: Libra and Scorpio

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2 Prill 2020

Susan Miller Horoscope for April 2020: Libra and Scorpio

Susan Miller Horoscope for April 2020: Libra and Scorpio

This year, you will be dealing with property, thanks to the meeting of the power of Jupiter and the transformative Pluto. These planets will meet three times during 2020, once on April 4, then June 29-30, and finally on November 12. Jupiter and Pluto will be near you all year long and you'll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the environment where you live and family.

At the beginning of the month, the full moon of April 7 will be on the Libra sign which means that something of paramount importance to you will be materialized. It is likely that this full moon involves a decision or action taken by your partner in life or business.

All month long, Mars will circulate at the Aquarius sign, your fifth home of romance, leisure, sports and entertainment, from now until May 12th. It's hard to turn April into a romantic month, but if you're single, make a friendship now that it will turn into something more after the pandemic. Check out apps or sites to get to know new people, but don't go home to meet in person. Long phone conversations will help you get to know each other better.

Across Mars will enable you to express creativity. You will have the time and motivation and Saturn will provide you with the discipline you need to refine the idea. Start as soon as possible. The result will be the greatest achievement of your career - the terms and conditions are in your favor.

Aphrodite will be in the sign of Gemini, an air sign like you, meaning you will have a healthy relationship with your partner or boyfriend. On the full moon of April 7, Aphrodite will contact her boyfriend, Mars, and make you more magnetic. Mercury is no longer in the background, which means that if you have a little extra money on your hands, buy something online to wear it when the pandemic ends.

The new April 22 moon in the sign of the Bull can change your financial situation, as it will bring unexpected news about the money of others. News may or may not excite you, and given Uranus' presence, we can't say for sure. However, Aphrodite, your ruler, will be active during this period and with little effort on your part, things will take a turn.

Susan Miller Horoscope for April 2020: Libra and Scorpio

Life has progressed rapidly from late January to March. Now that we are in April, do well to take it slowly from the full moon on the 7th and on. It may be difficult for you to make a decision about your home or parents. As a Scorpio, use this time to find a solution to your problem.

Mars, one of your ruling planets, will circulate the home sector by mid-May. During this time, you can make decisions for your family and home and you will see results sooner than usual. Be strong and have confidence even when faced with obstacles or insecurities. You have planets on your side and instinct will tell you what is right. The obstacles you will encounter in early April will be removed and you will be able to make all the changes you want to make.

April 4th can bring you a golden opportunity to make money. On that day, your Pluto ruler will orbit in sync with the Jupiter powertrain for the first time in 13 years. This is a very lucrative collaboration, especially in financial terms. It will have an impact throughout 2020.

If you're fired, you'll find an even better one. You must have a desire to find it. Whoever searches, finds.

Jupiter and Pluto will meet in the communications sector and will rule all contracts, agreements, media, publications, telecommunications and other digital forms such as apps and podcasts. Contractual agreements, if carefully negotiated, promise much. These two planets will meet three times throughout the year - on April 4, June 29 and November 12 - and will help you through mid-December.

Don't stick to the dates listed because these planets move very slowly and you will reap their benefits year-round. If you think Jupiter near Pluto doesn't matter, think of all the people who were born at such a moment - Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mick Jagger, Robert DeNiro and Mohandas Gandhi. There are plenty of other names on this list, but you get the idea.

The new April 2 moon on the Taurus sign will bring you unexpected news of your partner in life or business or spouse. If you are long-term and living together, you may be displaced unexpectedly or you may ask your partner to leave home. You have to wait until the pandemic ends to split up and you don't know when it ends.

If it is a business situation, you will be faced with an unforeseen element. Uranus can mean everything - maybe a contract you will sign, but before that you have to change a clause that dislikes your partner. This can cause a slowdown and reassessment of the next step. Maybe your business partner for years will announce his departure. Or quite the opposite of these situations. Uranus has no middle ground. You may worry about money, but these concerns have no basis. Money will come to you if you keep calm.