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Photo confirming the voices: Kledri Bahiti and partner, parents for the first time

Shkruar nga Anabel

8 Prill 2020

Photo confirming the voices: Kledri Bahiti and partner, parents for the first

Recently, voices - who said that Kledi Bahiti and his partner will become parents - Bahiti, contacted by, responded with "when there is something to say, I will speak for myself." Instead, the partner, the moderator of ART, Pejana Elezi, spoke.

Photo confirming the voices: Kledri Bahiti and partner, parents for the first

In an Instagram post, on the occasion of his birthday, Pejana poses with a round belly.

"Until recently, love bore only one name, yours. But a few months ago it already bears two names. Happy birthday my dear, the man who changed everything for me with just one touch. Happy birthday to you who together with me decided to we took such a big step as to start the creation of our family. Happy birthday to you, the man who gave me breath from his breath, then when I needed it most. Kled, you because no one else is like you. I promise you that I will be by your side until the end of the journey, we love you very much. ?

Photo confirming the voices: Kledri Bahiti and partner, parents for the first
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Their relationship became public in early March.