In parallel with the easing of restrictive measures, the government has listed the penalties expected for anyone who violates established rules. Through a Facebook post, Prime Minister Rama announced that the necessary relief will continue, but the package of punitive measures has changed.
All those who do not respect the time limits or who break the rules of the road will be deprived of their driving license for several years and even, depending on the violation, the sentence reaches imprisonment.
"The new austerity measures, for which we are preparing to address the parliament for changes in the criminal and road code of the Republic of Albania, in terms of the state of natural disaster and specifically the epidemic, on the one hand will protect the people from disobedient to at the end of this war, on the other hand, they will guarantee the necessary relief in the future, ensuring the health of every citizen.
The revocation of the driving license for several years, as well as the deprivation of liberty, for several or many years according to the degree of violation, will return to convincing norms to ensure the victory of the war without jeopardizing the achievements so far and the path of economic recovery. without harming anyone's health, "Rama wrote.
As for the expanded financial package, the head of state said it would be ready by April 15, along with the adoption of relief measures in government.