
Besim Zekthi, the master of Albanian folk dances, dies!

Shkruar nga Anabel

28 Qershor 2020

Besim Zekthi, the master of Albanian folk dances, dies!

The master of Albanian folk dance, Besim Zekthi, has passed away at the age of 84. He lost the battle after a serious illness at his apartment in Tirana. The news was announced by the National Theater of Opera, Ballet and Folk Ensemble.

Zekthi, one of the most prominent names in folk dance, stood out from the beginning for his talent and expression of the tradition of Albanian folklore through body movements.

Soloist of the Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances, he excelled especially in the famous dances "Albanian Dance" and "Albania has a holiday today" and was among the main protagonists who gave the Golden Necklace to our country at the Dijon Festival in France of the years. 1970.

Besim Zekthi, the master of Albanian folk dances, dies!

Throughout his many years of career, Zekthi has been honored with endless awards, motivating him to take the initiative to continue this tradition that unfortunately in recent years is no longer paid attention to. In 2008, Besim Zekthi created an activity dominated by his choreographic creations, including the performance of all the dances that gave him fame and appreciation across borders.