
Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Shkruar nga Anabel

28 Korrik 2020

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Nina Moric, the Italian model of Croatian origin has been one of the most talked about names in the Italian media, at the time when she was described as a show-girl, in television programs. She acquired Italian citizenship after marrying Fabrizio Corona in June 2001. After a formal divorce in 2013, she married Massimiliano Dossi, a marriage that lasted only a few months.

Model Transformation, Nina Moric
Nina Mori? & Fabrizio Corona

In addition to modeling, Nina Mori? has also been part of the music, with several songs such as: "Angels", "Coming", "Movin 'On" etc. The model was part of television until 2015, but then decided to take a break and in recent years has appeared in the media only as a guest on television programs. Nina has also had a brief experience in the world of politics, which ended in 2018.

"Over the years, the changes in the 44-year-old are obvious. It is not about wrinkles or aging, as these are natural and human processes, but what people point out are noticeable changes in certain features of the model, which once became famous and adored by all precisely by them. "

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Asked about the surgical interventions, she says in 2013, that she has resorted to cosmetic surgery several times, but says that she has a problem with hyaluronic acid, which makes her face swell a lot after her allergic reaction.

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Model Transformation, Nina Moric

Materials from: Di Lei were partially used for the realization of this article