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Men 'Alpha' vs 'Sigma': Who do women prefer?

Shkruar nga Anabel

19 Shkurt 2021

Men 'Alpha' vs 'Sigma': Who do women prefer?

When talking about the types "alpha", "sigma", one of the most common questions asked to experts is which of the types is preferred.

The truth is that both alpha and sigma men can be attractive to women.

The advantages of an alpha male over women

Alpha men have high status and power. These are "benefits" closely related to being at the top of a hierarchy, or dominating society, qualities that do not characterize a sigma. It is no secret that a man with status and power (and vice versa) seems attractive to women. In this way, an afa man is at an advantage when it comes to getting attention.

The advantages of a sigma man over women

Sigmat brings some of their strengths to a relationship / acquaintance. Most importantly, sigmas are characterized by the mystery and fluidity of their solitary life. They are also distinguished by the difficulty they have in entering into a normal romantic relationship. If this happens, that connection will be secure and long lasting. At this point, sigmas "win" over beta and alpha, because all of this makes them very intriguing and interesting.

Esther Perel, author of "Mating In Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence," says in her book that "love delights in knowing everything about you, while desire needs mystery."

"Love likes to reduce the distance that exists between me and you, while desire is energized by it. If intimacy grows through repetition and familiarity, eroticism is numb from repetition. It flourishes in the mysterious, in the unexpected. ”

Relationship experts often say that "men have problems building mystery" "and this for a sigma comes quite naturally.

Another powerful advantage that sigmas have in meetings is precisely the fact that they are not interested in hierarchy. This gives them a "rebellious" energy that many women find sexy.


Source: The Adult Man