When Elvana Gjata posted two photos that preceded the release of the EP album "Çelu", despite the enigma surrounding the album, the details of which were scarce, people managed to understand the approach of "Çelu".
She herself with natural makeup and simply gathered hair, who were taken care of respectively by makeup artist Sellma Kasumovi dhe and hairdresser Kaci Lleshi, who poses wearing a dress by designer Sara Wong in white lace in front of a somewhat gloomy and turbulent background. , was probably Elvana's way through the photo shot by Endrit Mërtiri to say that "Çelu" will be something "warm" (her portrait in the light) after a not very easy period (dark background).
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"I know we have all had difficult times with ourselves, our family and our relatives. This album is light and hope to live life. " - she wrote a little while ago on Instagram.
Albumi, i cili publikohet në YouTube sot në orën 19:00, është momentalisht i disponueshëm në disa platforma, si Spotify dhe Apple Music. Nisur nga kjo, këngët po qarkullojnë nëpër rrjete sociale pasi një pjesë e mirë është njohur tashmë me to dhe nuk mungojnë vlerësimet për këngët.
Një surprizë e albumit ishte padyshim bashkëpunimi i Elvanës me motrën, Migenën. “Vendi im” është bashkëpunimi i parë i motrave Gjata, që pavarësisht se kanë ndjekur zgjedhur rryma të ndryshme muzikore, nuk kanë rënë në “hijen” e njëra-tjetrës. “Vendi im” bashkon zërin e Elvanës me vokalin klasik të Migenës.

An album that materializes by collaborating with a long list of names, all well known for their respective work in their field, such as Max Production, Geraldina Sposa, Valdrin Sahiti, JL Consulting Albania, Vasjen Katro, Loudcom Media, etc., certainly promised a lot.
Despite the album, it seems that Elvana's projects for this year, which was missing for a long time before the release of the song "Thirr", do not end here. “What a jewel! We hope to make an even more rhythmic, more danceable album, ”someone wrote to Elvana's historical manager, Andi Islami (Andy Gramm, art name) in a comment on Instagram.
"Tick, tick," he replies.