Let’s face it. We have all given a compliment, which we have not really felt. However, the "compliments" from people you assume to have friends are sometimes not as praiseworthy as they may seem. Some of the biggest insults can be hidden behind a compliment.
Of course, friendships and relationships are different. Many people "joke" all day as jokes between them or mock certain parts. However, if you look closely you can distinguish a real compliment from a disguised insult or from a joke among friends. Here are some typical sentences to keep in mind.
# 1 - Wow, half of your outfit looks fantastic!
# 2 - You look very cute on Instagram.
# 3 - Oh, I did not expect you to get the job. Urime!
# 4 - You are very independent. That's why you haven't found anyone yet.
# 5 - Blessed are you who do not care how you look to others.
# 6 - I would like to stay and I so calm amidst all this mess.
# 7 - This new cut is many times better than the one you had.
# 8 - What a star you become when you hold my own!
# 9 - You look more professional when straightening your hair.
# 10 - I wish I was without any responsibility like you.
# 11 - This delightful home of yours is like a box.
# 12 - You are coping much better than I thought.
# 13 - I would never wear that outfit.
# 14 - You look more vibrant with makeup.
Source: Bustle