This will be a happy month, full of new opportunities. All your attention will be on foreigners and new countries, from October 6th. You can start a new business relationship with one or more people living abroad. Under normal circumstances you could be abroad to do these talks, but we live in a global pandemic, so Zoom conferences are enough.
Jupiter is in your sign for the first time in 12 years and will help you to see differently all the projects you are working on now. You can get involved in a competition that would lead you to winning a scholarship for a master abroad where you live.
For a long time you stayed away from many things to be safe from the pandemic. It is understandable to have anxiety regarding the long haul flights that may come your way during this period. You will be able to travel this month, but be careful and take all necessary precautions.
You will be asked to sign letters on October 20th, but if work expects you better do so on October 31st, when all the planets are on your side.
In terms of love, with Jupiter in Aquarius you have the best chances compared to any other sign. You have everything dear Aquarius. They love you all!
Ju jeni shpirtëror, krijues dhe jo të fiksuar pas menaxhimit të parave, por ky muaj do t'ju bëjë të ktheni sytë nga financa. Do të doni të bëni një kontroll të mirë të të ardhurave, kursimeve dhe investimeve. Kjo dëshirë lidhet edhe me Hënën e Re të 6 tetorit.
Saturni do të sjellë qëndrueshmëri dhe progresi juaj do të jetë i sigurtë. Gjatë prapavijës, kontrolloni herë pas here llogarinë bankare, për t'u siguruar që nuk janë bërë ndryshime të pa-autorizuara nga ju.
Sa më parë të zbuloni një problem aq më shpejt e zgjidhni. Nëse ju duhen para për të aplikuar diku, mund të mendoni për një kredi pas 6 tetorit.
Fokusi i fortë tek paratë do të kulmojë në 20 tetor, kur do të merrni cash që s'e prisnit. Mund të jetë një rritje rroge, apo pagesa prej një klienti.
In your career, important people see you with respect and admiration. Prepare for the March visit, from December 13th to January 24th to make you the subject of publicity and attention.
At the end of this year, Jupiter, the planet of good luck will enter Pisces for the first time in 12 years, which means that 2022 is your year! Spend this time meditating on the next chapter. You can get excited right now.
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