Kinema & TV

What does 'Squid Game' business card mean?

Shkruar nga Anabel

12 Tetor 2021

What does 'Squid Game' business card mean?

Anyone who has seen "Squid Game" is well aware of the business cards that deadly game recruiters use when meeting people. On one side are placed the symbols: a circle, a triangle and a square.

What does 'Squid Game' business card mean?

Writer Jasmine Leung explains to The Focus that it actually forms the letters of the Korean alphabet, written in Hangul, the writing system.

"The circle is the letter 'O', the triangle is part of the letter 'J' and the square is 'M'," she writes. in Korean: ??? ??.

What does 'Squid Game' business card mean?

In addition to this explanation, the form can also be related simply to the form of the final game.

What does 'Squid Game' business card mean?

In addition to the symbols, the other side of the business card had a phone number, which caused quite a bit of trouble for a woman because Netflix forgot to buy a number!