The late Michael Jackson remains loved by millions of fans around the globe - but not this girl, who has claimed she suffers from a strange case of the singer's "phobia".
In a viral video on TikTok, she looks extremely stressed because in the environment where she is sitting, a Jackson impersonator is performing.
"It wasn't more than half an hour after I heard 'Thriller' play and I immediately started to panic," said 18-year-old Ruby Marriott.
She said she is "scared of Michael Jackson".
In the accompanying clip , shot by Marriott's sister Macey, 19, she is in tears and looking horrified as "Michael Jackson" performs behind her.
Some commenters on TikTok consoled him by saying that they too suffered from "Michaelphobia", as described by Urban Dictionary.
"I couldn't watch TV for days when he died because they played his videos over and over and it would give me nightmares," wrote another.
Marriott says her fear probably stems from childhood. Since he was 5 years old, his cousins ??showed him scary music videos and edits of the song Thriller.
The jokes her family made only fueled the phobia.
Although the situation seems strange, the whole story also sounds funny and no, Ruby does not get upset if you feel like laughing at the story.
Source: NY Post