
Charlize Theron, 47 years old, tells why she has never married and why she doesn't even intend to!

Shkruar nga Anabel

12 Shtator 2022

Charlize Theron, 47 years old, tells why she has never married and why she
Photo Credits: East News

For centuries, it has been thought that marriage is an event that makes your life more complete. However, it turns out that everyone is different, and we all need different things to feel happy. Charlize Theron embodies this idea perfectly.

Charlize Theron is a beautiful woman and a talented actress, but her personal life has always been a reason for public discussion. She is now 47 years old, but continues to insist that she has no plans for marriage.

The actress says that she "doesn't need a husband" and that her life is complete as it is.

Theron has been in several relationships with characters such as Ryan Reynolds, Stephan Jenkins, Sean Penn and Stuart Toensend. Despite being in long-term relationships, she has never been engaged nor has she ever wanted to get married.

"I don't want to get married because now the institution of marriage seems very one-sided and I want to live in a country where we all have equal rights," Theron said, referring to her gay friends.

Theron has different priorities in life, like family and children, and she doesn't want to jeopardize this happiness.

"I never wanted to get married. It was never something important to me," the actress admitted.

Charlize is not sure if she will even be able to live with someone again.

"I don't know if I would be able to handle it again. I'm too old for that."

Source: Bright Side