Kinema & TV

Jeffrey Dahmer: Interviews and real-life videos of one of history's most notorious killers

Shkruar nga Anabel

30 Shtator 2022

Jeffrey Dahmer: Interviews and real-life videos of one of history's most

Lately, everyone is talking about Jeffrey Dahmer. As you may know, Netflix premiered the series "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer story" in which Evan Peters plays the serial killer and also announced a documentary about his crimes, which will be released next month, "Conversations with a killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer taps"

After the series aired, people found old clips and interviews with the serial killer. One interview in particular takes place with Jeffrey in prison and he talks about the horrific crimes.

Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 boys between 1978 and 1991, making him one of the most notorious serial killers in history. He often lured victims to his apartment, drugged and killed them. He was a cannibal and ate a number of body parts from his victims.

When asked what he wanted from his victims, Dahmer said he wanted to "control" them and "own them forever." He said he did not kill people because he was "angry" or "hated them", but rather because he wanted to "carry them with him". "It's a process, it doesn't happen overnight. When you depersonalize another person and look at them as an object, it seems easier to do things you shouldn't do," he said.

When Milwaukee police broke into the 31-year-old's apartment in July 1991, they found a refrigerator filled with human heads, skulls, bones and other remains in various states of decomposition. Dahmer confessed to unimaginable acts of necrophilia (sexual attraction to a dead body) and cannibalism.

Interviews and other videos: