Billie Eilish mund të jetë duke dalë me Jesse Rutherford, këngëtari i grupit “The Neighbourhood” dhe fansat nuk janë aspak të lumtur. Shkak? Diferenca e madhe në moshë.
Thashethemet nisën pasi dyshja u panë të kapur përdore në Los Angeles.
Billie Eilish spotted holding hands with rumored boyfriend and lead vocalist of The Neighbourhood, Jesse Rutherford. pic.twitter.com/69UVBvDyuC
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) October 15, 2022
Fansat bënë kërkimet e tyre dhe panë se Billie dhe Jesse, ndoooshta kanë qenë të lidhur më herët, pasi janë fotografuar bashkë që prej gushtit të këtij viti.
Njerëzit kanë komente rreth lidhjes së tyre, pasi Billie është 20 vjeç, ndërsa Jesse 31, duke theksuar se ata njihen që kur këngëtarja ishte minorene dhe Jesse ka “pritur” që ajo të rritej.
jesse rutherford has known billie since she was 15 and he was 26. since she was a kid and now he’s dating her? there literally can be nothing good going on there. absolutely nothing.
— sk (@kirkxxs) October 15, 2022
“Jesse Rutherford e ka njohur Billie-n që kur ajo ka qenë 15 vjeç dhe ai ishte 26 vjeç. Që kur ishte fëmijë dhe tani është i lidhur me të”, tha dikush.
Sigurisht, njerëz të çuditur:
Billie Eilish and Jesse Rutherford from The Neighborhood dating is the last thing I expected to hear in 2022 pic.twitter.com/ESgNMox7ch
— dizigirl (@dizideee) October 15, 2022
“Sinqerisht, për momentin, thjesht nuk kam forcë mendore për lajmet e Billie Eilish dhe Jess Rutherford”.
honestly just don’t have the mental strength for the billie eilish and jesse rutherford news atm pic.twitter.com/TLoQ25tFcR
— kat? (@sugarysaturn) October 15, 2022
jesse rutherford knowing billie eilish since she was 15 and then going and dating her is fucking weird!
— dom (@M4RGOTROBBIES) October 15, 2022
jesse rutherford and billie eilish seen holding hands is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to me the universe is literally against me that is so horrible
— mal ???? (@blymanorz) October 15, 2022
jesse rutherford and billie eilish seen holding hands is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to me the universe is literally against me that is so horrible
— mal ???? (@blymanorz) October 15, 2022
Gjithsesi, mos po harrojmë që janë të dy të rritur dhe vendosin vetë se me kë dalin apo lidhen?
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