Kinema & TV

Pas ‘Barbie’, Margot Robbie dhe Ryan Gosling ribashkohen në një tjetër film

Shkruar nga Anabel

12 Tetor 2023

Pas ‘Barbie’, Margot Robbie dhe Ryan Gosling ribashkohen në

The two protagonist actors in the famous movie "Barbie" that broke every expectation record, will be reunited once again in another movie: the prequel of "Ocean's 11".

St. ed. Prequel - a story or film that contains events that precede those of an existing work.

"I can't say much," producer Josey McNamara told Variety magazine. "But we're just trying to get this movie franchise right."

Pas ‘Barbie’, Margot Robbie dhe Ryan Gosling ribashkohen në

After "Barbie", this will be the next project that the two well-known actors do together, while previously in the movie "Ocean's 8" actresses Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett and singer Rihanna have performed.

Pas ‘Barbie’, Margot Robbie dhe Ryan Gosling ribashkohen në

The 2001 movie "Ocean's 11" where it all starts after a massive casino heist, featured an all-star cast from George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon to Brad Pitt.