
Some messages that we guarantee will get you into a conversation with the person you like ;)

Shkruar nga Anabel

10 Shkurt 2025

Some messages that we guarantee will get you into a conversation with the person

While you're at it, starting a conversation on a dating app or other social media probably isn't your thing. While we're sure most people would probably prefer to message all their fans who are dying to talk to them, there comes a point when you have to face reality and start a virtual conversation yourself.

Remember, the goal of the following guidelines is to start a meaningful conversation, or at least one that will continue into the future. Now, how exactly do you do that? Read on for some expert-approved tips for the perfect icebreaker between you and that person you can't get out of your head:

Mention something from his/her profile

And be specific! Mentioning something in the person's profile is essential because it shows that you care.

Ask open questions.

Starting the conversation with an open-ended question is a great way to secure an answer.

Try this three-step formula

Given the tips above, you can follow this three-step formula to create the perfect conversation 'opener':

1. Choose something on his/her profile that stands out;

2. Write something clever or funny about it and share a personal story/explain how you relate to it;

3. End with a question.

Skip the small talk and get straight to the point.

It's a bold strategy, and certainly not a universally successful one. But if you're willing to take a chance, skip the clichéd introductory conversations and suggest a date.

Not only is it a unique approach that will grab that person's attention, but it also shows that you're serious about meeting people in real life and aren't just looking to gather a group of virtual friends.

If all else fails, prepare these reserves

-"Is there anything that has made you laugh a lot lately?"

-"Have you read anything interesting lately?"

-"Tell me about a book or movie you really like."

-"What has been the most exciting moment of your week so far?"

-"If you didn't think about money, what would you do with your life?"

-"What does your dream life look like?"

-"You are stranded on a deserted island. What are the three essential things you took with you?"

-Compliment an animal/child on his/her profile.

-"Who would be your dream dinner guest and why?"

-"Which actor would play in the movie of your life?"

-"What is your favorite karaoke song?"

-"Tell me about your most interesting talent."

Chances are, if the other person feels the same way about you, they'll respond anyway, so take the first step! Even if they don't, the tips above will get you a response because they'll intrigue the other person into explaining the truth. Now that you know that, go ahead and make your move. ;)

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Source: Cosmopolitan