One girl online described it this way: "It's like people taking their dog to the beach before putting it to sleep forever."
It's not the first time we've heard of this strange phenomenon: one day he texts you "good morning" with hearts and makes vacation plans, and the next day he's disappeared without a trace. Although it seems like they change their minds overnight, the truth is that they've probably been suspecting each other for a long time, but only then do they find the courage to act. And as they prepare their escape plan, they become even more affectionate.
"What are you going to do tomorrow?"
If you've ever been in this situation and it's made you feel crazy, you're right - but at least you're not alone. There's an entire TikTok trend dedicated to this topic, where various creators make skits about how men, the day before they disappear, become perfect.
In a viral video, creator Taylor Rosen parodies a man who, the day before he disappears from someone's life, makes plans for Italy, proposes to his girlfriend to meet his family for, and even lets her know that his mother is now following him on Instagram. "You make me think differently about serious things... white picket fence, dog, kids..." he says in the video. A day later? Vanished without a trace.
@tayrosen got me thinking different ?
? Misty - Stan Getz
In the comments of these videos, women share even more absurd stories. One says that her ex-partner took her to her father's grave and promised to take care of her - just a week before he left her. Another said that her boyfriend opened the bathroom door, laughing, and said: "We have to get used to this, for when we get married!" Then he went outside to smoke a cigarette and never saw her again.
Another girl remembers a boy who made her feel special, told her he wanted to introduce her to his parents, and that she had never seen anything like it. When she didn't hear from him for three days and texted him, "Hey! Are you okay?" he replied, "Wow, calm down."
The same thing happens in long-term relationships.
If you think this is something that only happens in casual encounters, think again. A TikTok girl, Jillian Lavin, shared how she left everything behind, quit her job, took an 18-hour trip, and started a new life with her boyfriend of three years in another state. After all this dedication, he returned from a family trip and handed her a breakup letter saying they were “incompatible” and “had nothing in common.” As she herself sarcastically put it: “How did I not notice this all this time?”
Why does this happen?
For some men, this kind of behavior is a way to assuage their feelings of guilt. By acting really nice right before the breakup, they create a nice memory for you and (maybe) for themselves, as if to say, “Look how good I was to her.” Others simply don’t have the courage to be honest and act like everything is perfect until the moment they decide to leave.
In any case, it's a strange and unfortunately, very common phenomenon. If it's happened to you, don't take it personally - it's not a reflection on your worth, but a classic example of some people's inability to cope with their feelings. And if one day he starts talking about children, dogs and white picket fences... maybe it's time to be careful.
Sources: Cosmopolitan
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