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Unpopular Opinion: Finding a girlfriend from Instagram is super OK!

Shkruar nga Anabel

4 Mars 2025

Unpopular Opinion: Finding a girlfriend from Instagram is super OK!

Introducing the new column, Unpopular Opinion. We all have some opinions that, if we said them out loud, we feel like we'd end up in jail. Not because they're necessarily wrong, but because they're... different. They're not what society expects us to hear, they're not supported by the masses, and, above all, they're not appropriate to say at the dinner table with the family. These are the opinions we keep to ourselves, share only with friends, or simply bite our lips to keep them inside. Unpopular opinions are precisely those opinions that most people consider strange, daring, or just plain wrong. But not every opinion that goes outside the rules is necessarily wrong. So, it's time to say some not-so-popular truths. ?

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Unpopular Opinion: Finding a girlfriend from Instagram is super OK!

"Maybe you'll say to me 'Who said it's a problem that millions of people are connected through social media', but I assure you that you're being hypocritical. Let's be honest now, we all prejudge couples who were introduced by a guy who reacted with a heart-eyed emoji to a girl's story. Ok, ok, I would still question such a connection based on the fact that this girl responded to such a message, but I mean: we live in the f*cking internet era!

I know you're old school and prefer more organic ways to meet new people, but tell me please, when was the last time a guy approached you on the street to ask for your number? Or when did you finally gather your courage and ask that superstar at work to have coffee with you? Exactly.

Whether you like the internet or not, it has had its effect over time and now in 2025 there is 'social anxiety'. I think you can tell from the quotes that I'm not happy with where things have gotten, but we have to accept reality.

Plus, the argument of 'inorganic' acquaintance doesn't hold much ground because in the best case, the person you're writing to, or writing to you, has a personal page from which you can understand what they're up to, how they think, and even deeper things like complexes!!

We are old enough to not trust the profile of that person who only posts about their travels and lunches and dinners in nice places. These Instagram bots don't even give you a chat online, let alone a chance to meet them in person (maybe I should send you another Unpopular Opinion about this hahaha).

Then, beyond the jokes about social anxiety, isn't it 100 times better when you avoid the first coffee with that guy who seems super cute at first, but then turns out to be 'a slut for home'? Or, the one who asks you about the number of boyfriends or sexual partners. Girls know that such guys are disgusting and it's a great relief to have the freedom of never answering back by sending them where they deserve to be: to the trash can.

So, among the skeptics who are still discussing whether social networks should exist or not, I want to tell you in a friendly way not to oppress yourself with these empty ideals and open that Instagram, Tinder, or Facebook, just to try your luck! Whoever shares an opposite opinion, I'm ready to fight,” – written for Anabel by a girl tired of cowardly boys.

Note: The article has been adapted by the editorial staff for editorial purposes and clarity. Copyright Anabel.al / Reprinting without the permission of the editorial staff is prohibited.

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