“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.” - Karl Marx. Apparently, the production of “Big Brother VIP Albania” is also reading Marx, but a little late. They realized that the phenomenon of Louis Ejlli from the second season was a “gold mine” and are now trying to reformat the scheme with Gjesti, but they forget one small thing: Louis Ejlli was not a laboratory product.
A second Luiz? No, the script won't work! Luiz became a phenomenon (whether we liked his game or not, that's another discussion) because he stood up to the whole house, even the pundits or the production. He turned the game into an arena where he was alone against "the system". This created tension, drama and above all, emotion - because the audience naturally connects with someone who is "vulnerable".
On the other hand, Gjesti is energetic, creates debates and excitement, but cannot keep the audience engaged. This is because it can hardly connect with the public of any age group when there are no constructive and well-argued debates, but instead, empty sentences such as "everything is done" and "you're stuck".
So, Gjesti – although he certainly has supporters – cannot turn into a Luiz because he has no real opponents. If you look closely, you will understand that he is treated gently and wisely by the moderator, the opinionists, or the editing staff.
Let's mention a few cases. When Gjesti called G Bani "Lalzi's blind man", there was no discussion, while when Rozana used "gagaçe", the insult was commented on in the studio. Gjesti crossed the wall of the house, one of the basic rules of the format. Was he penalized? Yes, but only with a reduction in the grand prize if he wins. If someone else had done it, he would have been directly expelled. But when Gjesti goes up behind Egli, kisses her, hugs her and asks for her attention, why are the moments not published on Instagram/YouTube, but only focus on the moments when Egli "goes up behind her"?.
Now let's move on to the discussion about the mole in yesterday's prime time. Arbi, who is not spared with ironies and jokes, often even mocking other residents (remember Joz Shina , Joz Francezi , why are you laughing at me like that ?) commented coldly and could barely find the words to not upset Gjesti, saying only: "Gjesti's behavior towards Egli shows a lack of ethics in the way someone should express themselves towards a person they consider close."
While Neda – known for her often personal debates (with Rozana) or harsh comments on delicate topics (remember when she told Egli “you talked for an hour in front of a boy) – addressed Gjesti as if the latter were a kindergarten child and she was worried that he would cry. “I have no doubt that Gjesti did not want to hurt you…” Gjesti, with a disregard for the debate, gets up and leaves and Neda gently asks: “Where are you going, Gjesti? Gjesti?”.
We also add Ledion's approach that while Gjesti refused to comment on the debate about the mole and categorically said "I'm not talking", he tried to calmly explain to him why they were choosing to discuss it (he once did not maintain the same attitude towards Jetmir who refused to comment, on the contrary, he addressed him ironically and mentioned that he was commenting on TikTok).
A reliable source has confirmed to us that Gjesti has signed a contract and has moved to Top Channel's management. This further convinces us that he is being treated differently from the other residents.
With this logic, the game is becoming unfair to the other residents. By openly favoring Gjesti, the production is reducing the credibility of the format and excluding any possibility of a new authentic phenomenon being born.
While trying to produce an icon, they have forgotten that icons are not created by script.
Copyright Anabel.al / Reprinting without permission of the editorial staff is prohibited.