The government has recommended closing or restricting the TikTok platform for 12 months. The news was announced by the Minister of Education, Ogerta Manastirliu, who emphasized that this decision was made after continuous consultations with parents.
According to Manastirliu, TikTok is a social network that negatively affects children, inciting violence.
"We have conducted extensive consultations with parents about the safety of children in the digital environment and the effects that social media platforms have on the psycho-emotional state of children. They have been in favor of closing or restricting TikTok."
"We have recommended closing or restricting access for 12 months, a period that will allow us time to take measures in coordination with TikTok representatives," said Manastirliu.
According to the minister, 65,000 parents were interviewed in 1,300 meetings as part of the consultations.
"We have conducted a wide series of consultations with parents, 65 thousand parents questioned in 1300 meetings. There are aspects related to the safety of children against platforms that have uncontrolled content. In these meetings, with the aim of implementing the new action plan regarding strengthening prevention mechanisms regarding incidents that lead to physical violence, bullying or even online, parents have recommended the closure or restriction of TikTok," she added.
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