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Is it wrong to ask a guest to take off their shoes?

Shkruar nga Anabel

9 Mars 2025

Is it wrong to ask a guest to take off their shoes?

Who is the ruder in this situation: the host who asks to remove his shoes or the guest who dismissively refuses? This issue has sparked a heated debate on social media following an article in The New York Times on hospitality etiquette.

In the article, party experts called the request to remove shoes rude. According to them, a good host should let guests feel comfortable, without setting such rules. “Hospitality is about letting guests enjoy themselves, not telling them what they can and can't do,” said one chef.

But not everyone saw it that way. Many social media users pointed out that in various cultures, such as Asian ones, it is common and respectful practice to remove your shoes before entering a home. For them, the problem is not the request, but the refusal.

The debate is not new. A few years ago, an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal defending the right to keep your shoes inside other people's homes sparked a backlash. "This is why you'll never be invited again," one person quipped on social media.

On one hand, there are those who believe that the home is the host's territory and that he or she sets the rules. On the other hand, some see this as an excessive requirement and believe that a good host should be more relaxed with guests. Ultimately, it all depends on culture, expectations, and maybe even how clean the socks are!

What do you think?
