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Why have rich people started not wearing curtains anymore?

Shkruar nga Anabel

10 Mars 2025

Why have rich people started not wearing curtains anymore?
Millennium Images / Gallery Stock

In affluent American neighborhoods, it has become increasingly common to see uncovered windows, where the interior becomes exposed to passersby. This phenomenon has begun to become a symbol of wealth and status .

Big cities like New York and affluent neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights have become known for their uncovered windows, and a 2013 study found that high-income individuals are more likely to leave their windows open than those who earn less. For many of the wealthy, removing the curtains is a way to enjoy natural light and enjoy a beautiful view of the outdoors.

This trend was not always welcomed. When clear glass windows were invented in the 18th century, they raised concerns about privacy and excessive light, and curtains were used to create a sense of isolation from the outside world. As the 20th century progressed, uncurtained windows became a symbol of the spacious, bright spaces of suburban homes, and were seen as a positive element for health and well-being. In large cities, however, they began to be seen as a way to display wealth, especially for those who lived in large houses and could afford to leave windows uncovered without risking their safety.

In the 1990s, the trend of removing curtains in the homes of wealthy New Yorkers and other cities grew and has continued to spread. Designers began to favor uncurtained windows, emphasizing a simple aesthetic and spaces filled with natural light. However, this is not a practice that everyone follows. Those who live in dense urban neighborhoods often prefer more privacy, keeping the curtains closed, as people are much closer to each other.

In some cultures, such as the Netherlands and Denmark , keeping windows uncovered has a connotation of trust and openness , but in the United States , it is more of a sign of privilege and security . Those who can afford advanced security systems do not feel threatened by exposing the interior of their home. In this way, uncovered windows have evolved from a symbol of poverty to a sign of wealth and privilege, allowing wealthy people to showcase their spaces and enjoy natural light without concerns about privacy.

Ultimately, uncurtained windows have become one of the most subtle statements of status and wealth, demanding the attention of passersby and reflecting a form of security and comfort that is difficult for most to achieve.

Sources: The Atlantic, Medium