
Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

Shkruar nga Anabel

12 Mars 2025

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

Our ears are ringing with the horror we heard last night, but thankfully we found some laughter outside the house of “BBVA.” As usual, memes are among us to remind us that every bad thing has a good thing, such as: Vesrelo's scream could turn into an epic meme.

We thought we'd get the other side of the coin from last night's shouting, this Wednesday too. Enjoy!

#1. Deja vu?!

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#2. The Denied Kiss

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#.3 It was just as epic

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#4. Pushoooo (read in Fevziu's voice)

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#5. View without comment

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#6. Publicity

#7. We'll start with the eggs.

#8. Joz the player

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#9. Surprises we don't want

Part 7: A collage of the most viral memes of the characters in "BBVA"

#10. Us vs. that friend who eats but doesn't gain weight