
Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

Shkruar nga Anabel

13 Mars 2025

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

Sometimes I think that residents who enter the "BBVA" should undergo, among other things, an intelligence test. Then I think that it's not like we saw any great success in psychological tests so we can claim more.

However, it's better this way. On a day as gray as today, only this gem of a gesture could bring back a smile.

Gjesti thinks that Bulgaria is the capital of Serbia and we all don't know what to think anymore. During a debate, he repeatedly repeated that the capital of Serbia is Bulgaria, until Rozana whispered to him that he was saying the wrong thing.

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

But this is not the only gaffe that the residents of "BBV", in Albania and Kosovo, have made. Therefore, we have summarized some of the most commented gaffes on the network, which you can find below:

#1. How many teeth does a person have?

Xumi seems a little confused when asked how many teeth a person has and the only answer he gets is: 36. Teeth Xumi, not letters of the alphabet.

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

#2. Beautiful Mario!

How do you say Albanian beautifully? We have judged Beatrice in vain, Donald has left a more beautiful gem. During a conversation in the yard with other residents, he stops and asks: "How do you say Albanian abroad?"

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

#3. Sit 4!

Getinjo is convinced that the Earth is flat and no one can convince him otherwise. The residents of "BBVK 1" joined together in a mission to convince Getinjo that the Earth is round, but without success.

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"


#4. How are you with the star story?

Sara Kolami in "BBVK" only said "I was dirty" in front of Isa Boletini's photo. The challenge was to find the character that appeared on the screen . However, she was not the only one, there were those who did not recognize anyone, like Driloni. On the other hand, Anisa, who is a singer, did not recognize Nexhmije Pagarusha, while Xuxi did not recognize Ismail Qemali. 

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

#5. What about math? (Watch the video here )

Beatrixa seems to have problems not only with Albanian-English, but also with numbers. According to her, 1099+1 makes 1000.

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"

#6. We close with what we started with, the Gesture

Some t-shirts printed with honored figures of the nation were gifts for the residents, but let's just say that the animation made Gjesti think of Çerçiz Topulli as Jesus.

Some of the most viral GOSSIPS of the residents on "Big Brother"