When we talk about communication, we usually think of words, but the truth is that a large part of what we say happens without making any sounds. It's like having two conversations at the same time: one with words and the other with body language.
The problem is that sometimes our bodies can say things that we don't mean, leading to misunderstandings and mixed signals. So a little more awareness of what we're unintentionally conveying can help us communicate more clearly and understand others better.
Here are some messages you are sending without realizing it:
1. Your body shows how involved you are in a conversation
If you have your entire body turned away from the person you are talking to, this shows that you are present and focused. On the other hand, if only your head is turned while the rest of your body is ready to flee, the signal is clear: you are not fully present or are eager to leave.
2. Your phone talks about you (and not in the best way)
We've all done it at least once: someone is talking and we see notifications on our phone. Even if you're not touching it, the fact that it's next to you or on your desk shows that your attention is partly elsewhere. And believe me, no one likes to feel like they're competing with a screen.
3. Eyes that show a lack of interest
If you're constantly looking around during a conversation, it shows that you're not really engaged. Even if you're listening intently, the other person may think you're bored or distracted. On the other hand, if you're the one talking and looking directly into each other's eyes the entire time, be careful - this can feel like an uncomfortable confrontation.
4. Nod affirmations, but without overdoing it
Nodding your head is a good way to show that you're listening and understanding. But if you nod your head like you're at a music festival, it can seem like you're trying to speed up the conversation or don't have the patience to listen any longer.
5. Distance makes sense
As an unwritten rule, the closer you are to someone, the closer you can stand without making the situation awkward. If you get too close to someone you're not intimate with, it can come across as aggressive or disrespectful of their personal space. On the other hand, if you stand too far away, it can come across as intentionally keeping your distance.
After all, body language is a form of communication in itself. So, the next time you're in a conversation, try to notice what not only your mouth is saying, but also your body!