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Unpopular Opinion: Not every child is beautiful (and there's nothing wrong with that!)

Shkruar nga Anabel

18 Mars 2025

Unpopular Opinion: Not every child is beautiful (and there's nothing wrong

Introducing the new column, Unpopular Opinion. We all have some opinions that, if we said them out loud, we feel like we'd end up in jail. Not because they're necessarily wrong, but because they're... different. They're not what society expects us to hear, they're not supported by the masses, and, above all, they're not appropriate to say at the dinner table with the family. These are the opinions we keep to ourselves, share only with friends, or simply bite our lips to keep them inside. Unpopular opinions are precisely those opinions that most people consider strange, daring, or just plain wrong. But not every opinion that goes outside the rules is necessarily wrong. So, it's time to say some not-so-popular truths.
The next day I woke up feeling calmer than I've ever felt. For the first time, I realized how important personal space is, even within a marriage. It's always seemed to me that intimacy is built by sharing every night with someone, but perhaps, it's also strengthened by giving yourself space.

Unpopular Opinion: Not every child is beautiful (and there's nothing wrong

"I remember one day when I was at a family party and an aunt of mine, all proud, introduced me to her newborn grandson (at least that's what it seemed like). A group of people gathered around the cart and began the classic refrain:

"Oh, how beautiful!"

"The cutest of the tribe!"

"But how can it be so perfect?"

I looked inside and... let's just say I didn't see an angel. Yes, the baby was small, fragile, and innocent, but she also had a forehead bigger than mine and some weird wrinkles on her face.

But I know the unwritten rule: You're not allowed to not say "how beautiful"! So, embarrassed, I came up with one of my favorite phrases for such situations:

"What a special child!"

A forced smile, a nod of the head as if making a serious assessment, and that was it.

But here's the big question: Why should we lie?

Seriously, why do we have this social pressure to say that every child is an aesthetic masterpiece? It doesn't happen with adults. When you run into a friend you haven't seen in a while and they've made a questionable choice with their hairstyle, you don't have to call them "the Albanian Brad Pitt."

But with babies, society has established an ironclad code: "Lie or remain silent forever."

Let's be realistic: babies have been through a traumatic process when they first come into this world. They've been curled up for months, then emerge through a narrow, cramped, and crushed tunnel. Doesn't it make sense that most of them wouldn't look exactly like an Italian Renaissance painting?

Besides, many babies in the first few months look like mini-mafia bosses who are tired of life. That doesn't mean they aren't gorgeous in their own way! It's just that, simply put, cuteness isn't their strong point at this stage.

Who decided that every child had to be beautiful?

I think it's a combination of social expectations and parents' need for validation. If a parent has spent 9 months waiting for their child, they're naturally going to hear something positive. And we, as a society well-educated in the art of avoidance, give them what they want to hear.

But wouldn't it be fairer to take a more realistic approach? Something like:

"Well, he'll become a strong man!"

"We'll see when the features open up better!"

"He has a very... artistic face!"

Ultimately, a baby's appearance has no bearing on how much we love them. What matters is that they are healthy, happy, and above all, surrounded by people who love them unconditionally.

So, what have we learned?

Not every child is beautiful and that's perfectly normal. You can avoid big lies with clever compliments. Children don't need to be beautiful to be wonderful. And above all: let's let babies be "ugly" in peace! They will have their whole lives to flourish and if not, maybe they have personality..." - written about Anabel by an honest guy.

Copyright Anabel.al / Reprinting without permission of the editorial staff is prohibited.