The truth is that we are all living life for the first time, and school hardly prepares us for the real problems that await us once we legally become "adults."
Here are some of these problems that people share and that many people can surely find themselves in:
1. How much can you eat? You have to think about what you're going to eat once, then buy the things you need to prepare that food, then prepare that food, then wash the dishes for that food. And it's crazy that all this process goes into something that you're going to eat once and then it's gone.
2. It's finally the weekend, but you're too exhausted to think about how to spend those two days.
3. The never-ending role of "administrator" of your life: making plans for the things you're going to buy, setting schedules for various meetings, paying all the bills and taxes, etc. It feels like a full-time job sometimes.
4. Loneliness.
5. Life moves too fast. You're getting old without even realizing it.
6. Inability to meet friends more often due to busy schedules.
7. Sleep problems. I can't sleep with the light on anymore. I have to take care of a backache before I go to sleep. The pillow is too low and will give me a sore neck in the morning. There's a lot of noise from the other room. I'm transforming into my parents.
8. Caring for parents who are already old.
9. All unwashed clothes.
10. Taking a day off just to take care of something that needs fixing: the broken sink at home, car problems, etc.
11. The fear of making a bargain.
12. How quickly things spoil, rot, and mold.
13. The death of relatives who told you so many beautiful stories in your childhood .
14. How much other people's bad choices affect your life.
15. How scary it is when you realize that you are the oldest person in the room and have to bear the full weight of responsibility.
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Source: BuzzFeed